Sunday, February 19, 2017

Does bullying behavior make the bully more or less popular?

For a lot of people these days, everything's about popularity; what matters is their place on the hierarchy.
Fame and social status.
Some perpetrators of bullying appear to be living for these, and the fact that they earn recognition for their bullying acts, they become more persistent to further increase their place on the social ladder. And although they shine in a bad way, it doesn't matter to them anymore, for what's important for them is to maintain their status.
Indeed, bullying behavior makes the bullies more popular, and studies show that this popularity that they attain just makes them even more aggressive.

In order for us to end their hostile demeanor, we should all learn to speak up against their actions. Whether we are victims or bystanders, we should learn to stand up for what is right. We should discourage them with the purpose of changing their minds, and just continue on opposing their acts until they realize that what they are doing is socially unacceptable--until they stop.

Source: Google Images


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